All in Leadership

Don't Write Off The Rule Breakers

In a time when many of the old ways of traditional church in the West are found less and less effective to reaching emerging generations, perhaps we could use some more rule breakers to help us imagine a new way forward. Perhaps some some righteous rebellion is precisely what the church needs.

Some Advice For Aspiring Young Leaders

As the pastor of a young church, I get to interact with a lot of young people, many of whom dream of doing something significant with their lives. To quote the late Steve Jobs, they long to make a dent in the universe. They want their life to matter. I love getting to spend time with young people who aren’t content to settle for the status quo and who long to make a difference. That said, there are some things I’ve noticed that are common to aspiring young leaders that often get in the way of them actually seeing those dreams realized.

So here are a few pieces of advice I have for aspiring young leaders: